What was supposed to be a routine internal test of the Emergency Alert System during a shift change ended up being a scare to all of Hawaii. The 38-Minute scare of a ballistic missile heading towards Hawaii ended up being a false alarm, thankfully.

Emergency Alert

A routine internal test of the Emergency Alert System during a shift change ended up being a scare to all of Hawaii. The 38-Minute scare of a ballistic missile heading towards Hawaii ended up being a false alarm.
The bad thing about this mistake is that people took this emergency alert as real information. Why wouldn’t they? Who would have ever thought we’d receive a false alarm alert?

People running for cover

Reactions from others

Now that everything has calmed down and everything seems to be back to normal. You know, living your life not worried about a missile coming towards your home. It makes you think about what if that wasn’t a false alarm. What if this emergency alert had been real?

Would you know what to do?

Are you prepared for an emergency, of any kind?

Where would you go in the event of an emergency?

I can say without hesitation that we wouldn’t be ready. This is a horrible thing to admit, but it is true. We’ve never had to deal with anything like this and, to be honest, never thought anything like this could happen.

I know that we need an emergency kit as well as a possible survival kit. We need to figure out where we might go in the event of an emergency. I also know that we need to make sure everyone in the family knows exactly what to do.

Let this serve as a reminder to you to make sure you have everything ready in the event of an emergency.

Are you ready for an emergency? Do you have everything you need? Let me know in the comments.