We can never fill places for the people who have left us and moved on to the next world. However, we can make sure that everyone remembers them in death as they were in life. All of us get opportunities to give them a special place in our hearts. Sometimes it is in the form of a beautiful funeral, sometimes corporate or family ceremonies, and at times even with memorable obituaries.

Memorable Ways To Mark An Obituary

Most people suffering from the loss of a loved one are in trauma and cannot muster the strength to address the situation.  In most cases, it is hard for them to admit it to themselves, let alone talk about it to others. It is understandable, and nothing to feel embarrassed or ashamed. But in time, all of our loved ones deserve a comforting footnote at the end of their lives, just like they have a resting place in their graves.

The start of this process can begin near the end of their lives or at their funerals. Like a family in Louisville, KY downloaded an app to have people face time a passing member of the house without a schedule. Now, they are doing the same for other families to help them make peace with these developments. That is something you can use to remember them with or mention in an obituary to share how they were loved.

Here are some more basic but memorable ways to mark an obituary for them and keep them alive in the memories of everyone.

Organize a Suitable Funeral

Try to invest your time and energy in organizing the funeral of your beloveds. Make sure that it is a strong representation of their life and work on having it personalized to suit them. Funeral homes in Louisville, KY, are one example of people who can help organize a funeral that emanates the aura of the deceased. You can work with them to have everything planned accordingly, and that it promotes a sense of satisfaction and warmth while you are there. It can serve as a statement to begin sharing about their life.

Choose a Casket

Caskets or coffins also play an essential role in sharing how you valued the person that left the world. Try to look into your choices beforehand, and get something that would suit the type of burial. Going with wooden caskets is preferable because they induce a greater sense of attachment to life. Plus, the family can pick a casket of their choice, so it makes the person believe that their loved ones will have a comfortable resting place in the afterlife.

Write Epitaph Inscriptions

Epitaph inscriptions are short phrases, references, and passages written on grave markers to show how people of this world valued the soul resting there. They can be an excerpt from your obituary or the idea that you plan on covering while publishing one in the newspaper for them. It is best if it is something personal and close to your heart to let the reader grasp the meaning of that life. You do not need to be creative, but try not to hold your emotions back while writing it.

Try to be Vocal

Obituaries are words on a paper, but every word takes a haven in your mind before inked on it. You can pen down a eulogy that speaks out your innermost feelings.  And remember, there is nothing wrong with shedding tears over a loss.

Use the Pictures

Pictures can be one of the most potent and beautiful representations of an individual’s journey that just left the world. Try to use them to display the memories that you had with those people and still cherish them in their absence. Pass them on for the obituaries as well to ensure that everyone reading it can form a link and connect to their souls, even if they weren’t there to witness it. That should make it memorable for everyone, related or not.

Submit the Obituary to a Newspaper

Don’t bottle up yourself and collect everything as a memento of their life. Remember that each of those things is flooding with their life force. Get your obituary to a local newspaper to share everything with the community, including your grief and loss. Describe the hole that’s left in your life with their absence, and how their belongings make you recall them. Share dates, life stories, plans, motivations, and their passing stories with the world. Let them know if you have pulled yourself together to give away some of those things to help you move on. All that will help them live on in different ways with the power of your obituary.

Hold a Remembrance Ceremony

And if you still don’t feel content, have an annual remembrance ceremony for them to share how you feel in their absence after all those years. You can have a small gathering at your house or a community hall. You can also ask the funeral homes that helped you with the service to do the same for the ceremony.


These are some memorable ways to mark an obituary and have people join you in your time of sorrow. Focus on the fact that even if you don’t have the people you love around you, you can still care for their comfort by making sure that they get a fitting goodbye from you. Work on your writings and funeral, and fill the room with the same energy that they provided to your life. That will make them eternal in this world and the next.