Just over 15 years ago we had a very small wedding. It consisted of a long weekend trip to Kentucky during Thanksgiving, getting a marriage license, getting married, and then coming back home to our normal life. We never had a honeymoon. That is until this past week. We decided to take a trip to the Florida Keys for a week, without the kids.  It’s our Honeymoon combined with the last vacation we’ll have before moving to Hawaii!

It was what we needed and so much more.

Making the Florida Keys your honeymoon spot, even after 15 years of marriage. It was worth the wait, but wish we hadn't waited so long.

The Florida Keys

The trip started with a drive to Kentucky to drop the kids off at the in-laws. We then headed to the airport in Kentucky for our flights to Florida. Once we reached Florida we picked up a vehicle through Drive STI and headed to our final destination in Islamorada to the Postcard Inn Resort for a week of NO KIDS!

Brandon & Shawn Ann

Postcard Inn Resort

We decided to splurge a little with the place we’d be staying, mostly because it was just the two of us. But, also, because this was our honeymoon, 15 years in the making! Postcard Inn Resort is a beautiful place to stay, however, it does have it’s flaws….like anywhere.

Making the Florida Keys your honeymoon spot, even after 15 years of marriage. It was worth the wait, but wish we hadn't waited so long.

Making the Florida Keys your honeymoon spot, even after 15 years of marriage. It was worth the wait, but wish we hadn't waited so long.

The resort itself was beautiful. There were a few places to eat and have drinks. The rooms were comfy and cozy. The views were amazing. However, there were literally only a couple places to eat and have drinks. I think I was more disappointed with the places to drink more than anything. I’m not a big drinker, so when I wasn’t able to find a good drink, the ONE drink I drink. Well, that’s disappointing. I mean, really, how hard is it to make a Mudslide? I guess down in the Florida Keys, they use Rum in everything and well, Mudslide does NOT have Rum in it.

Brandon at the Tiki Bar

Anyway, we did run into another couple from Michigan and they referred us to a great place to eat, off the resort.

Atlantic Ocean

Making the Florida Keys your honeymoon spot, even after 15 years of marriage. It was worth the wait, but wish we hadn't waited so long.


I was finally able to mark off my list to go snorkeling, which was great!  Snorkeling for the first time and loving every minute of it. I wish I could have gotten some good pictures while snorkeling, however, I didn’t have a good underwater camera. Maybe next time.

We even got the opportunity to visit a place that has Dolphin shows. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the name of the place, but it was a pretty neat show!

Dolphin show

Dolphin show

Key West

We drove all the way down to Key West, not impressed at all. Guess you have to be a major drinker to really enjoy Key West. Nothing but bars, restaurants, and shops. We did make it to the Southernmost Point of the Continental USA.

Shawn Ann & Brandon in Key West

Overall, it was a great trip, without the kids. We got to relax, most of the time. Unfortunately, hubby was sick with some nasty virus/cold most of the time. However, he worked through it and still had a good time.

Making the Florida Keys your honeymoon spot, even after 15 years of marriage. It was worth the wait, but wish we hadn't waited so long.

Have you ever gone to the Florida Keys? Do you have a favorite key? What was your favorite place to visit? Let me know in the comments!

**I was not compensated in any way to write this post. We paid for all our food, lodging, flight, and gas for this vacation/honeymoon. Only a vehicle was provided, but for another post, not this one.